Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Again on June 5th...to the World Cup Stadium for a gift shop visit and lunch.
What a great place! This county hass swollowed soccer whole, like it seems to have done with a lot of other things from the west. Huge stadiums everywhere. We are angling to see Incheon play FC Seoul on the 16th.
The "FC" in FC Seoul brings up an intresting feature of this country's westernization. Seems that every sign/ad campaign/logo has English slogans and names. Everyone wears clothing with English. so why is it hardly anyone speaks it? Now, don't get me wrong, it is up to me to do the communicating, and it is amazing what a smile and a picture menu can do. But this seems a lot like American athletes getting tattoos of Asian characters. Do they really have a clue what they say?

1 comment:

vicki said...

Hi Guys, looks like your having a blast. Sea Slugs?? Have a great trip. Vicki